Supply Chain Management

บริษัทมีกระบวนการคัดเลือกคู่ค้าควบคู่ไปกับบริหารจัดการความเสี่ยงคู่ค้า ครอบคลุมปัจจัยด้านคุณภาพสินค้าและบริการความปลอดภัย สิ่งแวดล้อม สังคมและการกำกับดูแลกิจการ โดยคู่ค้าใหม่ต้องผ่านการขึ้นทะเบียน และคัดเลือกตามเกณฑ์ที่บริษัทกำหนดไว้ก่อนจึงจะสามารถเข้าร่วมดำเนินธุรกิจกับกลุ่มบริษัทได้

UAC Group establishes the systematic and transparent business partner, principle, supplier, or sub-contractor selection policy according to the acquisition rules and procedures of UAC Group for benefits in cost management and operating efficiency and for mutual continuous business operation toward the collective sustainability. Therefore, UAC Group has established the practical guideline and condition of the consideration and selection as follows.

  1. Comply with laws, have the social ethical standards, and emphasize and take into account human rights, society, and environment.
  2. Have the good business operation condition, the stable financial status, and the establishment which is verifiable; and have the reliable business operation record and non-commercial forbidding record as the result of the fraudulent act, or the work abandonment record, or being in the list of the forbidden companies for the public and the private agencies.
  3. Have the satisfactory performance in terms of quality, price, delivery due, and service.
  4. Able to regularly deliver and flexibly respond to change.

The supplies and service procurement policy is the part of the main and significant process in supporting the sustainability in business operation of the UAC Group requiring to build confidence to the stakeholders through the transparent, fair and verifiable supplies and service procurement process under the management framework with the supporting practical guideline to be consistent in the same direction both of UAC Group. Therefore, the Company has established the sustainable supplies and service procurement policy with the following essence.

  1. Procure supplies and services pursuant to the defined criteria and standards efficiently and effectively in terms of quality, price, quantity, service provision, and rapidity in feedback under concern on the responsibilities covering the economic, social and environmental dimensions.
  2. Procure supplies and services transparently and fairly without discrimination, in the verifiable and law-abiding manners.
  3. Procure supplies and services fairly with the business partner companies, principle, suppliers, or sub-contractors, under the selection according to the determined rules, the equitable treatment of the business partners, the complete, proper, and clear information provision, and the opening of the whistleblowing channel for complaints and suggestions.
  4. Procure supplies and services under the environmentally friendly concern to bring about the sustainability.

However, all executives and employees of the Company in UAC Group have duties to support, advance, and strictly perform under the supplies and service procurement management policy and framework.


UAC Group commits to mutually develop the sustainability together with the business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors to abate the risk as the result of the business operations in the issues of the relevant laws, regulations and requirements, as well as the business operation interruption risk which may affect the reputation impact in the environmental, social, and business ethical issues.

Code of Conduct

UAC Group is assured that the transparent and fair supplies or service procurement process shall be passed on good awareness to the business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors every time of procurement of products, services, and business processes. The sustainability of the business operation guideline is defined in three viewpoints as follows.

Business Ethics

Regulation Compliance

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must operate the business by complying with the laws both of the national and local laws, as well as the set of rules applicable with the business operations, and the essential licenses in the said premises.

Corruption and Bribery

UAC Group explicitly expresses the intention on anti-corruption and strictly complies with the policy in such matter. If any business partner is involved in paying or receiving bribery, the contract will be cancelled and UAC Group will not be responsible for damages arisen with the business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors as the result of the cancellation of such contract, and the business partners may be sued according to laws.

Prize, Gift or Present

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers or the sub-contractors must be informed that they shall not give or receive gift, prize, and souvenir that will affect the decision in the supplies and service procurement process or operation or cause an unfair promotion.

Conflict of Interests

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must inform the Company for acknowledgement if any action which is the conflict of interests between the Management, the employees and the related personnel in UAC Group, and the business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors.

Trade Confidentiality

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must have the leakage prevention process of the UAC Group’s confidential information.

Disclosure of the Information

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must properly store the customer information. They are prohibited to disclose the UAC Group’s trade information to other business partners, and must disclose the information in business, environment, social activities, structure and turnover consistency with the relevant laws and requirements for the UAC Group’s acknowledgement.


Environmental Management

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must establish the environmental management system consistency with the laws, rules and regulations that can lead to the development for the continuous working efficiency.

Energy Consumption Efficiency and Climate Change

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must commit to develop the energy efficiency of the business process that takes part in reduction of the greenhouse gas emission and reduction of the energy consumption.


The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must manage, maintain, release or eliminate wastes derived from the business operations consistency with the laws and set of rules applicable and conforming to the international standards.

Chemicals and Hazardous Materials

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must safely manage the chemicals and the hazardous materials, and properly eliminate according to laws without the environmental impact.


Occupational Health and Safety

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must establish the health, occupational health and safety policy to support the safe and hygiene working environment, provide the sufficient and suitable personal protective equipment to the staff members, and give the staff members the opportunity to propose the work safety problem issues whereas the said act is not regarded as the conflict with the discipline.

Emergency Prevention, Preparation and Response

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must speculate, identify, and assess the situations and emergency, and plan and establish the practices supporting the emergency response to help reducing the said emergency impact.

Equal Treatment

UAC Group supports none of the employment inequality or discrimination due to the competition, obstruction of segregation in race, nationality, age, religion, sex, sexuality or disability, or inequal treatment in any forms.

Labor and Child Labor

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must not employ labor with below criteria age (including labor enforcement) as prescribed in the set of rules of the country. The labor shall have below 15 years of age. The labor shall not be employed due to any forms of the enforcement or unwillingness.

Working Conditions

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must perform consistency with the applicable local laws and set of rules relating to the working environment, and working hours, remuneration, and dismissal.

Participation in the Communities

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must create and maintain participation in the communities to maintain the efficiency in building and intensifying the relationship in the operating areas.

Community Impact

The business partners, the principles, the suppliers, or the sub-contractors must control the environmental impact which may be arisen from working with the surrounding communities.